Monday, June 8, 2009

Someone heard my plea.


They considered Michael Fassbender. I heard someone say that Dom Cooper could be Heathcliff. (I say only if they set it on a tropical beach.) Johnny Depp's too old, Clive Owen's a tool, and Joseph Gordon Levitt's a little too skinny.

And I think we all know how I feel about James Franco. I love him dearly, but if that boy wears eyeliner one more time, I might explode with frustration. He's soo much more fun when he's secret-hot as opposed to broody. I like him so much more when he makes me laugh. Don't you?

So who is cast as Heathcliff in the 2010 update? Who is making my spine shiver with excitment?

It ain't Ben Barnes or James McAvoy or Hugh Dancy.

Ed. Westwick, that is. Before you jump to the conclusions I know you're rearing to jump to, give him a chance. I know he's Teen Beat pretty and a CW star, but how unfair is that without ever having seen Gossip Girl you're racing to say it's not worth the watching? It's compelling and smart, clever, witty, exceptionally well-acted, entertaining, and yes, over the top. But what teen dramas aren't over the top? 10 Things I Hate About You was over the top. And that was a comedy. I've never met a person who has watched the show and not understood why it's got the devoted following it has. Matthew Gilbert, the Boston Globe's television critic, thinks it's fantastic.

It's similar to how no one ever gives Greek a fair shake, or Kyle XY, just because they're on ABC Family. They are quality shows, vastly underrated by TV snobs.

Gossip Girl might not be full of realistic scenarios, but it is full of realistic reactions to those surreal scenarios. So before you decide he was only cast to draw in the teenyboppers, most of whom are fans of Chace Crawford anyway, duuuuude, can you at least watch a couple episodes of Gossip Girl. He's a legit actor and that's a legit show.

Can't you just hear him?

"You love me? Then what right had you to leave me?!"


  1. one question: are they supposed to be portraying high schoolers? if so, i'm willing to suspend my disbelief, but even that has limitations...

    two comments: i felt like i was watching a soap opera on daytime television, what with the "i am me. you are you. blair and chuck, chuck and blair." line (and the names help to convince me of the soap opera theme). i couldnt watch more than a minute or so of that, but perhaps it's because the clip is out of context. in addition, i'm loyal to the old school coming-of-age-one-hour-long-episode-at-a-time shows that keep the situations and reactions realistic, like dawson's creek or i'd go as far-fetched as the original 90210.

    also, i vote "no" for that dude playing heathclif, and i think emily bronte would be in my corner. i dont know quite how he pulls this off, but he's too pretty while simultaneously looking as if he smelled something foul...

    one request: bring back your fb. i miss our convos, for one, and how else am i supposed to get in touch with you? i tried calling you on saturday for a walk, but no one answered, and you know how reliable i am with a phone!

  2. and i forgot to mention: i have tomorrow off if you and z might be interested in taking a walk somewhere. let me know!

  3. I think it's because the clip is out of context. And in fairness, I don't think the show is any more far-fetched than BH90210. As for Dawson's Creek, well, the dialogue in Gossip Girl is about a thousand times better. (Dawson's always felt so... studied to me.)

    I think you should give a whole episode a chance -- and give Ed another chance. The two clips I chose might not have been the two best.
