Friday, January 28, 2011

True Grit, Tron, and Tuesday movies

I should preface this by saying that I thought I was going to henceforth steer clear of my life in this series, but I'm going to get into it, because it's all part of the race.

Last year, I did this thing where I sort of tried to watch every movie nominated for an Academy Award before the ceremony. Now, I was in my last semester of college and prone to fits and starts, so I gave up when I saw how difficult The Most Dangerous Man In America would be to find. But I like the idea, so I'm coming back for round 2. And this time, I'm coming fully armed with charts, budget lists, and a supportive (if vaguely confused) boyfriend. He's even helping me with my spreadsheets.

Anyway, about Tron. I love Jeff Bridges. As anyone who knows me is aware, Crazy Heart was my favorite nominated movie last year and he was a big part of that. I think he is just swimming in talent--in the right movies. And I simply adore his voice. I, like Maggie Gyllenhaal, could find myself falling against my will for him if he showed up in my life and looked at me -- but that was all last year.

Okay, so a few weeks ago, the HomelessBoy and I were driving through a snowstorm to get groceries for the family I'm staying with and decided that we needed to stop and see a movie, since we'd set the date before the snow was ever predicted. So we stopped at the Hampshire Mall Cinemark and asked them what the next movie was. Something lame, like The Tourist (sorry, Johnny, but you're not making me want to overcome my Angelina revulsion) or Season of the Witch. So we asked what movies were starting in the next 45 minutes. And between Tron, True Grit, and The Fighter for viable options, I acquiesced because he showed up that morning with hot chocolate and a bagel at 9 AM and he'sjustsosweetomigodstopmeplease. And so we had a pretend first date (since how we met and all was not conducive to that at all) and I let him choose Tron. And that's how that mess happened.

Positives: I was pretty certain it would be nominated for at least a technical Oscar so it would help me out in my eventual quest. Also, it was my first 3D movie experience, so I thought, "Could be cool." Olivia Wilde is hot, too.

Negatives: It sucked. Not even the 3D could make it interesting and I learned something important about 3D in movies. It doesn't actually enhance my experience of the film. Anyway, the movie was boring, made very little sense to a newcomer, and when Jeff Bridges shows up as The Young Dude at the beginning and again once his son is actually inside the game, he looks like some creepy character from The Polar Express, a movie that gives me night terrors. Anyway, it was SO EPICALLY DISAPPOINTING to see Jeff Bridges on screen. And to know that because it was "first date night" HomelessBoy paid twenty whole dollars (that's almost ten hot chocolates for those keeping score at home) for that nonsense. But it was okay because seeing a movie on a weekday afternoon in the middle of a snow emergency can have its upsides. And the absolute worst part of the movie? When Tron, who had up until that point been fighting rather hard AGAINST the users (stupid concepts for a stupid film) suddenly, in the last two minutes, decides, "I fight for the users!" and saves Olivia Wilde's life and apparently the world. But what I don't understand is exactly what power the characters in the video game would actually have in the real world and why it would be such a disaster for their army of a thousand or so to get loosed on America. Explain it to me so I understand, please, geeks.

Also, Dear Jeff: JUST STOP. Lovecommaenter Ashley

On the flip side of the Jeff Bridges coin is True Grit. Have I ever told you how much I love cowboys? Cause I so do. Also loved: Tuesday Night is bargain night in almost ever city. At the Hadley Cinemark, that means every movie is the "First screening of the day" price -- a paltry $5.25. That's actually less than the price of a small popcorn. And it was FANTASTIC. I had never seen a Cohen Brothers movie before, a fact that was a proverbial thorn in my literal side for ages and this was a pretty decent way to start, I think. Even knowing it's not their typical, it makes me want to see more. Within minutes of the movie opening, I was in love with the lead actress (weirdly nominated as a supporting character, but heytherepolitics!) I can't say too much about it, but when Josh Brolin showed up on screen, I wanted to applaud. I know he was the "bad guy," but I feel an instinctive need to root for him (which will not serve me well should I ever be forced to view W.) Also, surprisingly violent and racy for a PG-13. Well done, Joel and Ethan. On that note, also much more pleasant to watch movies that involve chopping off fingers when I can hide my face in HomelessBoy's shoulder.

Dear Jeff: All is forgiven. Carry on making movies. Lovecommaenter Ashley

1 comment:

  1. Just read your post cause I saw "Tron" in the title haha.
    Did you know that all of the city scenes were filmed in Vancouver? I have just given you a reason to come visit me.
