Monday, January 18, 2010

100 (Find You Now)

  1. Have blue eyes
  2. Be over 6 feet tall - unless your name is Erich Hochstrasser, because then you're perfect just as you are
  3. Be a baseball fan (or football or hockey -- no New York teams)
  4. Know Heathcliff without being told
  5. Love to cook breakfast and dessert
  6. Be generous and kind to homeless people
  7. Hate rodents as much as I do
  8. Tell me when my hair looks silly
  9. Have strong hands
  10. Walk in the snow. Walk in general
  11. Take advantage of opportunity; say "no" to very few adventures. Don't repeat them if they weren't wonderful the first time.
  12. Need a dog in your life -- a big dog, not a little dog
  13. Wear plaid
  14. Believe in both coincidence and magic
  15. Travel
  16. Appreciate, even enjoy, my "fifteen year old girl" moments
  17. Wear Chucks
  18. Don't wear a tie to work
  19. Respect my need for you to not watch the Victoria's Secret fashion show
  20. Let me trust you without a wedding band
  21. Trust me without a wedding band
  22. Know not to buy me a diamond
  23. Know to buy me a dictionary
  24. Love children
  25. Hate golf
  26. Don't be settled with having; have a need to open doors that have never been closed to you for others that have had to break windows to even look inside
  27. Value independence, both in yourself and in me
  28. Love your family
  29. Be my Trivial Pursuit partner
  30. Don't take yourself seriously or believe you are more important than the moment you exist in
  31. Read. Don't just say you read. Read.
  32. Laugh often, but not without cause
  33. Never make someone feel stupid or embarrassed
  34. Laugh at yourself
  35. Don't laugh at others
  36. Always say "Bless you" when someone sneezes, even a stranger walking behind you on the sidewalk or a train conductor
  37. Make my brother laugh
  38. Introduce me to new music
  39. Make me think
  40. Fascinate me
  41. Confuse me
  42. Treat anyone whose job it is to help you not like "help," but like a human being. Understand that mix-ups like lost reservations happen
  43. Don't value form over function
  44. Be of use
  45. Understand what "Be of use" means and why it matters
  46. Keep an open mind
  47. Go puddle jumping with your children (and me)
  48. Teach your daughter to ice skate
  49. Go to your child's plays
  50. Be torn between the coldness of mp3 and their convenience over vinyl
  51. Appreciate a well turned phrase
  52. Wash my dishes for me when my back is turned
  53. Bring me sunflowers on Van Gogh's birthday
  54. Know not to buy me roses
  55. Tell me a secret you have never told anyone else
  56. Don't try to fix my problems; just be there to hear about them
  57. Know that I can re-hang the door or re-grout the bathroom on my own, but do it with me
  58. Write me a song, however terrible it is
  59. Make me believe I can be better
  60. Challenge my assumptions
  61. Call me on my lies, my nonsense, my half-assed arguments and devil's advocate "Mary, Mary, quite contrary" moments
  62. Aspire to more than mere mediocrity
  63. Take risks; go sky-diving with me
  64. Realize how lucky you are just to exist
  65. Get along with my father
  66. Understand that what my grandfathers would have thought of you matters more than what I think of you
  67. Teach me something new
  68. Let steak, roasted potatoes and green beans be your favorite meal
  69. Be kind to your sister above all other girls you might meet
  70. Don't ever believe in your own superiority, physically, mentally, intellectually, ecumenically, or otherwise
  71. Love hockey fights
  72. Don't be disgusted by boxing
  73. Find humor in your flaws and in mine
  74. Don't be willing to settle for less than you are capable of becoming
  75. Never believe we are finished products
  76. Have convictions
  77. Make the world a better place, be it through direct interaction with the world or by providing the world with just a little more beauty
  78. Appreciate the importance of beauty in this world
  79. Watch Sunday morning PBS with me while reading the travel section from the Boston Globe and eating omelets and bagels
  80. Don't be jealous
  81. Be a little jealous. (But trust me, too.)
  82. Love movies
  83. Spend Saturday afternoons at museums of all sorts -- natural history, science, modern art, Renaissance art, etc.
  84. Prefer Van Gogh to Monet and night to day
  85. Stay up late with me, watch the sun rise and then sleep 'til noon
  86. Bring me my hot chocolate
  87. Let me listen to you
  88. Don't get impatient when I meet strangers on the beach and swap life stories with them until the moon has risen
  89. Accept my need to be near the sea
  90. Let me teach you something
  91. Don't try to understand or change me; just accept me
  92. Drive to the beach and watch the full moon rise
  93. Climb a mountain. Stay the night. Let me set up the tent.
  94. Don't ask me if I need help. I'll ask if I do.
  95. Don't need me to fix you; don't need to fix me
  96. Don't ever act smarter than someone else
  97. Treat everyone as if they are just as important -- more so, even -- than you
  98. Engage in ice cream eating contests with me
  99. Watch me walk away until you can't see me anymore
  100. Don't tell me you love me.

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