Sunday, August 2, 2009

All our old clothes are back in style...

Oh, hello! It's been awhile. I've been decompressing and destressing and simplifying. I've been beading and working and eating. Since we last spoke there has been work, trips to the Vineyard, escapes to Waggs Mountain, the return of True Blood, Entourage, and Secret Life, trips to bead shops, though not THE bead shop, and some jewelry construction. Jackson Browne came to town, did some dancing, and left. The Sox went from six games up to a half game out. Justin Masterson was traded for Victor Martinez and a little piece of my soul went with him. Old friends became new friends and new friends became old friends. I bought new headphones with frogs perched on them, I have done very little swimming this summer, and a surprising amount of mask-wearing. Michael Jackson died, his daughter cried, and America celebrated another birthday. I've missed Scotland, loved Boston, and gone to the doctor's office.

Basically, it's been business as usual.

Which was, really, the reason for the hiatus. When I started this blog, it was so people at home could keep up with my Scottish adventures. (Some Scottish adventures proved TOO adventuresome and were removed from the Bloglands.) Now that I'm home, I've been finding it difficult to motivate myself to write, and difficult to find anything worth writing. Does anyone really care that I had a Coolata this morning instead of a Dunkacino? Really?

So what I'm trying to say is that I'm looking for a new format for this blog. I've changed the name, I've changed the layout. I'm not in Scotland anymore and this blog needs a new purpose.

Maybe updates on my jewelry production?
Arts and entertainment?
Or would you rather follow my Div III as it unfolds? Not to mention my quest for further education and fulfillment?

I don't know, which is why you need to tell me.


  1. I want to hear about your AMERICAN adventures!
    Or you can explain things to us Scots... like what on earth are Coolatas and Dunkacinos?
    Also, I'm back in Edinburgh and it feels weird without you.

  2. Agreeing with Cara, I recently thought about WHY it is that I keep a blog, and kind of changed the format too.
    Or at least, I will be soon. ;)
